Fresh flowers delivered by Clare Florist.
Make their Day Extra Special with Pink Roses
Make their day extra special with our fresh pink and white 2 Dozen Pink Carnations bouquet. Featuring 24 pink carnations, this exuberant bouquet will bring a touch of lively floral splendour to any setting.
This gorgeous arrangement of pink carnations with gypsophila accents has been stylishly arranged by our expert florists, and is a truly thoughtful gift for your special someone to cherish. Your fresh 2 Dozen Pink Carnations bouquet can be delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK in our special delivery box to ensure they arrive in immaculate condition.
The 2 Dozen Pink Carnations Bouquet will be a fantastic gift on any occasion such as birthdays, anniversaries, or as a means to express gratitude or sympathy. Carnations have connotations of luck, so this bouquet could be a great way to wish someone fortune as they embark on a new chapter of their life.
Additional Options
For that personal touch, why not add a Handwritten Greetings Card, chocolates or an adorable teddy to accompany your beautiful fresh hand-tied fresh bouquet.
We also have flower gift cards available, perfect for when you aren't sure what bouquet to get!