Fresh flowers delivered by Clare Florist.
An Extraordinary Mother's Day Surprise!
The Mother's Day Surprise Bouquet offers a scintillating blend of fresh roses, gerbera, peach carnations and chrysanthemums, beautifully complemented by a sprinkle of pretty red hypericum berries. If you are looking for a special gesture to surprise your mum this Mother's Day, you needn't look any further than this gorgeous bouquet.
The Mother's Day Surprise Bouquet forms part of our acclaimed range of Mother's Day Bouquets so be sure to check out the rest of the collection for more ideas and inspiration.
This luxurious bouquet includes UK standard next day delivery. Don't forget you can add an elegant glass vase, a handwritten greetings card and a delicious box of Lily O'Brien's Chocolates for an extra special personal touch. The Mother's Day Surprise Bouquet will arrive in our signature Clare Florist flower box, ensuring that it reaches its recipient in absolutely immaculate condition!