Fresh flowers delivered by Clare Florist.
A Vibrant Bouquet that is sure to deliver Summer Cheer:
For a stunning bouquet of vibrant colours, choose the Summer Cheer Bouquet.
At only £37.99 these beautiful flowers arrive ready to put straight into a vase - ideal for those who are not naturally green fingered.
As with all of the beautiful bouquets in our Summer Flowers Range, you'll receive your flowers wrapped in a stylish florist's gift wrap and delivered in a special box to prevent damage to them in transit. A fresh and vibrant display, the Summer Cheer Bouquet includes golden germini, orange roses, and scented lilac freesia.
Order today for next day flower delivery - The Summer Cheer Bouquet makes a great last minute gift and can be ordered for delivery 6 days a week, so there's no excuse for not purchasing this spectacular bouquet for a birthday or anniversary gift.