Fresh flowers delivered by Clare Florist.
White Rosmeria - pure, fresh and beautiful
The White Rosmeria Bouquet bouquet is one of those flower arrangements which will draw every eye in the house. Perfect as a gift to others, perfect as a gift to yourself! The pure white tones of the roses and alstroemeria which make up the stunning White Rosmeria Bouquet have been especially hand picked for their freshness and lush beauty. You won't need to worry about making a good impression when you welcome guests to a home stylishly decorated with this arrangement of timeless white blooms.
Our Rosmeria range extends far beyond white - you can pick up beautiful Rosemeria Red, Rosmeria Peach and Cerise Rosmeria bouquets as well, all featuring gorgeous rose and alstroemeria arrangements.
All Clare Florist bouquets are available for FREE UK delivery to any location in the UK, and we've also got an exciting range of additional options to make your White Rosmeria Bouquet purchase even more exciting. Add a box of Lily O'Briens Chocolates to your order, or attach a handwritten card for that extra personal effect. All of our bouquets are hand-tied and arranged with care by our professional florists, so they're guaranteeed to arrive in ideal condition.